Adoption Education

What Is It?

There are many adoption education trainings. They come in many forms and some are great, but some do not explore core issues relevant to all members of the adoption triad. I incorporate all triad members’ perspectives and experiences while giving parents tools to better understand themselves and each other before embarking on the adoption journey.

I design and facilitate trainings in person, via videoconferencing and through self-directed online courses. Pricing is based on type and duration of education services requested. Contact me for more details.

Types of trainings offered:

  • How Trauma Impacts Child Development
  • The Seven Core Issues in Adoption
  • Navigating Transracial Parenting
  • Adoption From the Adoptee Perspective
  • Separation, Grief & Loss
  • Adult Attachment Style’s Impact in Adoption
  • Different Parenting Style’s Long-Term Effects
  • ACE Scores – Past and Present Indicators
  • Birth Parent Voices

Who Could Benefit?

  • Prospective adoptive parents who are required to complete a certain number of training hours for home study completion
  • Continuing education for post adoptive families
  • Birth parents pre- and post- placement
  • Adoption related conferences
  • Siblings, extended family members or friends of adoptees
  • Educators and school administrators to better understand and support adoptees in their classrooms
  • Psychoeducational support groups for members of the adoption triad
  • Hospital Labor & Delivery Units to better understand and care for mothers who have made an adoption plan and the families they have chosen for their babies

Support Groups

What is it?

Support groups offer a safe place for those with similar life experiences to come together and offer encouragement, insights, advice and to receive education and validation. Adoptive parents, adolescent or adult adoptees and birth parents often lack support and find themselves working through adoption related issues isolated and alone. The growth I have seen in group participants is palpable.

Pricing is based on type and duration of services requested. Contact me for more details.

Who Could Benefit?

  • Churches wishing to provide support for the adoptive families in their congregation
  • Adoption agencies or community organizations serving members of the adoption constellation who would like to offer support groups for clients
  • Schools or homeschool co-ops who would like to offer adoption support groups for their families
  • Adolescent adoptees as they navigate identity formation
  • Adult adoptees
  • Adoptive parents post adoption
  • Birth parents post adoption
  • Expectant parents who are considering or have made an adoption plan

If you have questions about any of my services, contact me!